
Maggie is an 8 year old Shetland pony who is adored by my 8 year old Granddaughter Ellie.

She foundered last year because of the excess sugar in the grass which was only about an inch high,it just goes to show that the grass doesn't have to be lush and long for a pony to founder just all depends how much sugar it contains.

It was a sad thing to see as she could hardly walk. Called the vet out and she put her on pain killers for a while, I soaked hay for her and had her in a small yard.

It took a while to get her feet back in good order with regular trimming. She is now happy and healthy. Frog fungus any suggestions on that would be appreciated.

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Oct 02, 2013
by: Jenny

Glad to hear that Maggie has recovered, it is so hard to watch them suffer. I like the No Thrush product for thrush, or you can use Apple Cider Vinegar if the thrush is not too invasive.

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